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IPA Program

The IPA Program – a unique strength

In addition to IPA members being highly qualified, the IPA Program is unique as it is the
only professional accounting body program that offers a full postgraduate degree upon
completion of the Program. Our unique IPA Program has been designed in partnership with
Deakin University to ensure that our members are equipped with robust and effective tools
to ensure the services they provide to their clients are of the highest quality.


Throughout all phases of history, we have supported and championed our members and
the profession. We are here to protect and support our members as well as the SME/SMP
sector, and to ensure our members gain appropriate professional recognition.

For more information on our Professional Recognition

IPA Program 2023

IPA01 - Business & Professional Ethics

IPA02 - Issues in Company Financial Reporting

IPA03 - ESG Reporting & Board Composition and INED

IPA01 - Business & Professional Ethics

This subject addresses the issues relating to the conduct and regulation of professional practice. Students will be introduced to key ethical theories and concepts which informed an understanding of key concepts and issues in professional practice, and in society more broadly.

Key Topics:

• Introduction of Ethics in Accounting
• Normative Theories of Ethics
• Case Study (I)
• Case Study (II)
• Case Study (III)

The content of Case Study is subject to change without prior notice

IPA02 - Issues in Company Financial Reporting

This subject covers the evaluation of annual report form and content. Financial statements will be examined in the context of a conceptual framework for financial reporting, corporate governance, global reporting initiatives and accounting standards. Social and environmental reporting issues will also be covered..

Key Topics:
• Interpretation of Financial Statements
• Conceptual Framework
• Corporate Governance
• Corporate Social Responsibilities
• Global Reporting Initiatives

IPA03 - ESG Reporting & Board Composition and INED

The objective of this subject is to enhance students’ understanding in the concept of ESG and its latest reporting requirements. It also aims to equip our students with essential knowledge around corporate governance and directorship coupled with in-depth discussion around role of an Independent Non-Executive Director (INED) within the Board of Director of a public listed company and relevant best practices.

Key Topics:
• Reporting Requirements in Hong Kong
• Step By Step Management for ESG
• International Sustainability Guidelines
• The Corporate Governance (CG) Code
• Guidelines for the Board and its Directors
• Guidelines for INEDs
• Case Studies

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